free resources, trainings, & webinars
Weekly-ish newsletter delivered on Wednesday, sometimes Tuesday, sometimes Thursday. I have let go of the expectation that I "need" to have this ready by a set date. So the content you will read is stress free, anti-capitalist, anti-unhealthy productivity, anti-oppressive... rest-friendly, liberation-focused, decolonized... and I could go on and on.
This is an anti-checklist checklist. Why? There is no way that we can decolonize our practices following a checklist or a to-do list and be ready and woke once we cross off all the items in the list right?
What you will get in this "checklist" is a series of suggestions of different areas of your practice that you can look into, get your wheels turning and figure out how to decolonize them.
Wheel of Power & Privilege
The Wheel of Power and Privilege is a crowdsourced two-page graphic displaying most identities in the continuum of privileged/normative/accepted/centered to subjugated/marginalized/underrepresented/ underserved/unseen.
It helps you understand where you are at in terms of intersectionality, it helps you understand your identities, and encourages you to be in relationship with your identities.
Decolonized Consultation Sessions - 2024

Monthly summer sessions to ask a seasoned liberation-centered psychotherapist anything about making your practice truly welcoming and affirming to clients who hold systemically marginalized identities.
Learn, in community, how to shift your practice from traditional or supportive to radical, decolonial, and liberatory.
BIPoC clinicians subscribe HERE
Mini course on "-isms" and "-phobias" (coming soon)

Coming in 2024
Quarterly webinars waitlist (coming soon)

Coming soon